Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tease Me, Baby! - The Adventures of Tintin

I have never read the Tintin comics. The adventures of a young boy and his dog don’t really appeal to me all that much. Call me crazy. However, despite my scepticism it is a beloved comic and has run for decades. Even with that haircut.

Motion capture animated films are not the most popular in the entertainment industry. Films like The Polar Express haven’t done terribly but have yielded a mixed reaction from critics and the movie going public. I can understand the feeling. It’s not quite live action, not quite animation and completely strange to watch sometimes.

So when it was announced that they were making a Tintin motion capture animated film you can imagine my apathy. But when I found out who “they” were, it piqued my interest. Written by Steven Moffat (Dr. Who), Edgar Wright (Shaun of The Dead, Hot Fuzz) and Joe Cornish (Attach the Block) and starring Daniel Craig, Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis and a long list of other cool actors. It got my attention.

To read the rest of my review, and to see the trailer itself, click on Tintin's big shiny head!

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