Friday, October 9, 2015

ICN Interview

The lovely people at Irish Comic News did an interview with me in preparation for Artos #3 (which I wrote) coming out next month. Here is a little snippet:
What is your take on Artos as a character? 
Artos is interesting because Conor is a kid who is old before his time. He’s only 13 but he’s super into archaeology and Irish folklore, something which most kids his age wouldn’t have the patience for. His best friend is his dad, really. I can’t imagine him being the popular kid in school. But despite his maturity he’s still just a kid who is trying to deal with having the power of a Bear God, which can’t be easy at all. The Wren is a little older than Conor but acts his age much more so I’m hoping the two of them can learn a little from each other.
 To read the whole thing CLICK HERE

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