Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Mars Needs Podcasts - The Lost Panel At DragonCon 2013

This is my first day back home after the convention this year and before I put my butt on my couch, some Dragon Con content has already popped up online thanks to JJ over on Mars Needs

Our LOST panel with Jon Boutelle is a Dragon Con tradition, and as is tradition with our podcasts of the panel you will have a few moments where you can't hear what the audience is saying but we try our best to repeat questions. We were also a little overwhelmed by the size of the crowd and all the questions they had so we really don't have a linear narrative here. Bear with us while we try to keep the panel sane, we tried our best.

To give you an idea, here is a picture of the crowd I took before the panel started:

To listen CLICK HERE or to download directly CLICK HERE.

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